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Mellow Magazine is Free Magazine in Thailand.Our magazine presents the reader that love fashion with a variety of it, which stem from people tastes and boundless creativity. These fashions are approachable as they are fashion that happened on the street and can be adjust to each person day to day lives.
Mellow, therefore, means the mixture of each individual style on the street which compiled in a way that the reader can continue to adjust the style to fit their own personality while not being consumed by the fashion itself.
“Thai kids are alright” is the concept of our Mellow, a free magazine for Thai teenagers. When we say Thai teenagers, we did not only mean teenagers. We mean every person that fun and looking for creativity and inspiration in their life in many aspects. This reflects their childness that still inside them which is unique to each its own.
So, Mellow’s characteristic more than just fashion. It also includes the creativity and confidence in its style. Be who you want to be. Do what you want to do. Have fun with what the world has to offer.